Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Sing me a smile

There is no color in this place; only shadow and mist. The faint light that is cast by the thin sliver of moonlight deepened the shadows and made them longer. If only there were more light, then maybe it would be easier to find. Walking along this cold alley I felt the damp brick against my hand as I feel along the wall to better guide myself. I hadn’t been here in so long, and yet…I can’t remember exactly where here is. I’ve been in this alley before, I know where it leads. But do I really want to go there? I don’t know what I’m supposed to be looking for, but I have this deep seated feeling that I need to find it, because I know that it is precious. I just know, but I don’t know why. I move on, in the darkness towards the end of the alley and find myself in my elementary school playground. Years had passed since I last saw this place. The silence was so heavy, not a noise to be heard but the breath escaping my lips and the squeak of the merry go round as it spun slowly, slowly but not empty. There amidst the silvery mist, pushing off the sand with a sneaker clad foot was a little girl. She couldn’t be more than 7 or 8 years old. It is too dark for her to be out alone, where were her parents? I make my way to the merry-go-round, cautiously. I didn’t want to scare her. Previous concerns about what I had been searching for were replaced with concern for this child. Maybe she was lost, maybe she lived around the corner and was about to head home or something. Either way I was going to make sure she got home safely. I shudder, wrap my arms around myself and head towards her. “Hi sweetie…what are you doing out here so late?” I tried to sound as motherly and reassuring as possible. No small feat for me, I didn’t have any children of my own and never really was comfortable around them. She doesn’t answer me…but she does stop pushing off the sand. She lands facing the opposite direction of where I had been walking to, the red hooded sweat shirt she had on seems so markedly bright among the dimness. “Honey…? Where is your mommy?” She pushes off again and continued spinning. I wasn’t sure if she hadn’t heard me, or was too scared to answer. This time she landed right in front of me. She was beautiful, soft rosy cheeks, plump little red lips; long black braid peeking out of her hoodie. But it was her eyes that caught my attention. Big beautiful doe eyes, liquid brown and shiny with tears, haunted and afraid. The poor thing was crying, so I did the only thing I could think of. I knelt before her and held open my arms. “It’s okay honey, I’ll help you find your mommy. Just come here and we’ll go look for her.” She doesn’t budge, her tiny little fists grab the bar of the merry-go-round tighter and she just keeps staring at me. ““I’m not supposed to talk to anyone…”Her voice is shaky, and light. It carried on the air like a melody, her question lilted the tone.

part 2: click the link


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